Session 9:
Who I choose to be (part one)
Session overview
Research has shown that, as human beings, we create our own 'egocentric social universes'. Put simply, this means that we tend to favour the people closest to us, and we like to spend time with those we believe are more like us (i.e. family and friends with whom we share common interests). It's therefore essential to encourage young people to develop personal networks and relationships with people that inspire and provide positive examples to them — moral exemplars or role models.
This and the following session pick up on the idea of choice, encouraging young people to build their own decision-making strategies with opportunities to practice making choices that lead to their own better futures. Once again, the activities examine Marcus' decisions and his options when faced with a tough choice. In particular, the 'interactive' element of the session (which features right at the end of Marcus' story) is designed to help pupils safely explore the risk of influence and how they can proactively make choices to prevent or counteract risk in their own lives. The resulting discussion should reinforce the idea that all choices, positive and negative, have a consequence.
A. Session aims & objectives
Establish that we all have people we can trust and talk to
Understand the importance of having trusted people to go to for help and support
Display empathy
B. Learning outcomes
I can understand how people might become vulnerable to negative influence
I know people I can trust
I can identify a trusted adult that I can go to for help
I can see things from someone else's point of view
C. Terminology introduced
Example definitions of key terminology are included but, wherever possible, use pupils' own agreed descriptions as per previous sessions.
EMPATHY: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
ROLE MODEL: Someone that others want to be like; someone whose behaviour we imitate.
D. Resources required
❏ Pupils handheld devices (eg iPads, Chromebooks)
❏ Checklist for Session Nine
❏ Resource Sheets: 9a: Circle of trust 9b: In their shoes
❏ Slide pack for Session Nine:
Session title
Role model
Definition of a 'role model'
Resource Sheet 9a: Circle of trust 5.
Key people in Marcus' life
Definition of 'empathy'
Scene in the park
Resource Sheet 9b: In their shoes
E. Assesment opportunities
'The role-play within Activity Two offers an opportunity to test pupils' understanding of empathy by encouraging them to reflect on another's point of view and give advice based upon that different perspective.
Starter activity: Session eight recap and role models
Using the characters in the story, pupils will explore the concept of role models and reflect on the ability to empathise with others.
Recap and review ground rules as a class.
Discuss any rules created that worked well, together with any that didn't work – do they need to change?
Make amendments if required. Either way, ensure that pupils understand why we have ground rules and why these are essential.
Introduce Learning Outcomes for this session.
ASK: (open question to pupils by teacher):
What do we mean by the term 'role model'?
Take some brief ideas from pupils.Who are Marcus' role models? What does this tell us about the concept of role models?
Use these questions to explore the concept of role models in greater depth. In particular, draw out that role models can be both positive and negative, so it is crucial to think carefully about the behaviour and actions of who we choose to follow.
We have previously looked at Karl's impact on the way Marcus chooses to act. Karl might be described as a negative role model.
We also looked at how Andy influences Marcus. Andy might be described as a positive role model.
Activity one: Circle of trust
Pupils will consider the people in Marcus' life and who they think he can trust and rely upon. This will help them identify who those same people are in their own lives. To continue their learning, they must complete the homework activity introduced during this session either at home or as part of the plenary. This involves discussing and reviewing their own completed circle of trust as preparation for Session Ten. It's also vital that pupils include at least one 'trusted adult', preferably not a parent. It's widely regarded as good practice for young people to have a range of people to turn to should they need help or advice.
It's essential to have people that we can trust. These might be our friends, family, teachers or other people. We might have some people we share our thoughts with more than others. It's imperative to know an adult outside of our family (like Andy) we can confide in to help us.
As a class, have a go at mapping a few of the people in Marcus' life using Resource Sheet 9a: Circle of trust. It may help to refresh the prominent people in Marcus' life that we have met so far in the story.
ASK: (open question to pupils by teacher):
Where do they sit in his circle of trust? Why is this?
Who should Marcus trust?
Who shouldn't he trust?
Who are his role models? (positive or negative)
Encourage pupils to give reasons for their answers, considering what they learned in previous sessions about how identity is formed and the external and internal influences on our choices.
Introduce this next activity, explaining that they will complete it during the plenary or as homework, ready for the start of the next session. Resource sheets will be given out to them at the end of the session.
Activity two: In their shoes
This activity should encourage pupils to consider different perspectives and build empathy.
To overcome negative influences and build resilience, it's essential to consider how others might feel and then weigh up these different opinions to make our own decisions about what we believe to be right and wrong.
Discuss the term with the class.
Look back at the scene where Marcus confronts Kwan in the park.
Hand out Resource Sheet 9b: In their shoes (also shown on Slide 9)
Identify each of the characters against the names on the worksheet.
Teaching Tip
Alternatively, this scene is on Slide 8
Let's think about what's happening in the story and try to understand how each of the characters is feeling in that particular moment.
Working in small groups, pupils should complete the first column: How are they influenced? for each character.
Next, complete the second column: How could they respond?
Now rearrange the whole class to sit in a circle.
We will run through the scene, but we will 'freeze' at critical parts to ask the rest of the group questions to understand how we think the characters might be thinking, feeling, and responding.
Each group should use the ideas they noted on Resource Sheet 9b to help them explore each character's perspective.
Each time, change the character being explored and the group performing the role play.
We are now going to focus on just Marcus. I will play the role of Marcus, and you can all ask me questions about why I acted in a particular way.
A teacher should take the 'hot seat' by sitting in the centre of the circle and adopting the persona of Marcus. Pupils should question 'Marcus' and his motives for behaving towards Kwan as he did during the scene in the park. e.g. "I just wanted to be liked by the other boys in the group so I thought picking on Kwan would earn their respect."
You can use this as an opportunity to reveal some of the things he might be feeling and how he is using his behaviour to mask his vulnerability.
Remind pupils to respect the ground rules they set for the programme and behave appropriately.
Run the 'hot seat' activity until you are happy it has reached an appropriate conclusion.
Next, invite one or two pupils to take the 'hot seat', but assuming the persona of Andy (who we will say has witnessed or heard about the incident in the park). The rest of the pupils should then attempt to justify the actions of Marcus while 'Andy' will challenge them. The rest of the pupils should then attempt to justify the actions of Marcus while 'Andy' will challenge them.
What would Andy say to Marcus?
Review terminology, any new language and key learning introduced today.
If you were Marcus' 'trusted adult', what one piece of advice would you give him up to this point in the story?
Give out blank copies of Resource Sheet 9a: Circle of trust and remind pupils that they need to complete these as homework in preparation for the next session where we will talk about them.
Alternatively, this can be completed in the session. Allow an extra 10 mins.
Delivery resources

Delivery checklist

Resource sheet(s)

Slides (PDF)

Slides (PowerPoint)