Session 2:
Who am I? (part one)
Session overview
In this second session, pupils will consider what makes each of us unique; and what things connect us to others. This marks the first step in understanding what defines choice and how we can all make a conscious decision to act in a particular way.
Pupils will examine how identity is constructed and be encouraged to nurture a positive sense of 'self'. Identifying and affirming this is a material part of building personal resilience; by developing positive character traits such as empathy, courage, fortitude, honesty and loyalty. They will learn to identify and describe their own character traits while at the same time considering if they are indeed the person that makes their choices.
A clear sense of identity is strongly linked to being resilient against forms of negative influence, including the lure of gangs, drugs or being victim to CSE or radicalisation. Analysing the factors of identity provides a greater understanding of who we are and what we aspire to be. Fostering a positive sense of that identity enables young people to appreciate and value all the parts that make up their unique selves, leading to a strong sense of belonging, self-worth, purpose and emotional wellbeing.
A. Session aims & objectives
Understand the term ‘identity’ and who we are as individuals
Identify characteristics or traits that make us who we are
B. Learning outcomes
I know what the term 'identity' means
I have an understanding of critical things that make me who I am
I can build a positive sense of my own identity
C. Terminology introduced
Example definitions of key terminology are included but, wherever possible, pupils should be encouraged to develop their own agreed descriptions of the words used.
IDENTITY: Who a person is, the qualities that make them similar to and different from others, the things that make us unique.
CHARACTERISTIC: A feature or quality belonging to a particular person, place or thing that identifies them.
D. Resources required
❏ Session checklist
❏ Pupils handheld devices (eg iPads, Chromebooks)
❏ Resource Sheets:
2a: My Identity - Model Map
2b: My Identity - Descriptors
2c: My Identity - Blank Pupil Map
❏ Slide pack for Session Two:
1. Session title
2. Elements of Identity (matches Resource Sheet 2b)
3. My Identity Model Map (completed teacher example to match Resource Sheet 2a)
4. Identity
5. Definition of 'identity'
6. Image of Marcus
E. Assessment opportunities
In Activity 2, pupils will complete their own Identity Map. Use this to assess their level of understanding around the characteristics that help form their identities.
Starter activity: Session one recap
Recap and review ground rules as a class.
Discuss any rules created which worked well, together with any that didn't work – do they need to change? Make amendments if needed. Either way, ensure that pupils understand why we have ground rules and why they are essential in creating a safe space for all.
NB: Ground rules should be reviewed at the beginning of each session, along with any previous session recap. These are essential in creating an environment for pupils to benefit from the programme. Ground rules may be added to or altered if some aren't working but should always be collectively agreed upon.
Introduce Learning Outcomes for this session.
Activity one: Understanding elements of identity
Pupils will learn about the individual components of identity, using these to explain and describe a person's identity. These are presented in the slide pack as definitions, but pupils should be encouraged to come up with and agree on their own explanations wherever possible.
The idea is to help pupils better understand some of the ''characteristics of identity'' and apply them. Pupils should be taught that a person's identity comprises many different elements. The unique blend of these contributes to how a person feels, behaves, and reacts to external influences.
Briefly review each of these elements using the descriptions pupils provided during the last session, explaining how they are part of what makes up our own unique identity.
We will use each of these headings to help us complete the following task about my/another person's identity.
Remind pupils that they researched what these terms meant last time.
(Teacher to pose the question about her/himself or person well known to pupils)
Who would you say I am?
(Teacher to pose the question about themself or a person well known to pupils)What characteristics would you say I have if I were in a book or film?
Pupils should briefly describe what they think are the relevant features of the teacher's identity.
Teaching Tip
Alternatively use a famous or well-known person.
Using Resource Sheet 2a: My Identity Model Map (also shown as slide 3), plot the pupils' ideas against the headings provided. This resource is pre-populated with examples to prompt discussion, but you should add pupils' views too. You may need to explain some of the terminology used, e.g. aspirations, morals, etc.
When ideas are exhausted, focus specifically on ''nationality/ethnicity/gender''. Explain to pupils that many organisations, for example, governments, use these elements of our identity to classify or group us. This can be for all sorts of different reasons, such as organising services needed by certain groups of people more than others.
One of these elements, ethnicity, is an integral part of our cultural backgrounds and, therefore, our identity. It may be helpful to ask pupils to share their understanding of their own ethnic group and culture if they have time to better understand what ethnicity means.
We are more than the names people give us. We are also the things that people know about us. During the rest of this and the next session, we will look at:
who we are; and
who chooses who we are
Refer back to Slide 2: Elements of identity. Recap on what each of the headings means. Wherever possible, make reference to pupils' own definitions, which should be displayed for them to see.
As we saw during the previous session, these are ''characteristics'', which, when taken as a whole, are a good way of describing what makes up a person's identity.
Working with a partner, pupils should try to explain the meaning of the term identity, giving examples of some ''characteristics'' of their partner's identity (to illustrate their understanding).
Compare these to pupils' own answers, testing for a clear understanding of the definition.
Activity two: Mapping our identity
Pupils will now complete an Identity Map for themselves by following the example model provided in Activity One. Allow pupils time to reflect on their own characteristics and important events in their lives. Encourage them to reflect honestly on their own values, beliefs, morals, hopes and aspirations. Establish that there are no ''right answers'', and their work will not be graded. The more honest their reflections, the more effective this work will be. Encourage discussion about their views but ensure that pupils engage in independent, critical thinking when plotting their own maps.
Working with the same partners as the previous activity, pupils should write down three characteristics about their partner using any of the categories covered. Pupils should not show their partner - these will be discussed later in the activity when each pupil has completed their own identity map.
Hand out Resource Sheet 2c
Each pupil will now use a blank Identity Map (Resource Sheet 2c) to plot individual characteristics.
Hand out Resource Sheets 2a and 2b (if required for further support). Encourage pupils to use words/phrases on their own Identity Map where necessary rather than whole sentences.
When finished, ask pupils to compare their own Identity Map with the three characteristics that their partner wrote down about them at the start of the activity. Lead a brief discussion with pupils.
Do your partner's descriptions match? If not, why not?
Why might someone else see us differently?
NB: Pupils own Identity Maps could be used as a class/school display celebrating identity. Retain completed worksheets to be revisited later in the programme during Session Eleven.
Having a clear sense of who you are and being positive about your own identity is vital to your wellbeing, confidence, self-esteem and future aspirations.
Pupils should reflect on their own Identity Map, focusing on the positive characteristics of who they are and aspire to be.
Ask pupils to think of a positive thing about their partner's identity.
Pupils should be encouraged to share these with each other if they wish.
Review terminology, any new language and key learning introduced today.
We will be introduced to Marcus during the next session.
This image can be printed and displayed.
What type of person do you think Marcus might be?
Delivery resources

Delivery checklist

Resource sheet(s)

Slides (PDF)

Slides (PowerPoint)