Session 3:
Who am I? (part two)
Session overview
Continuing to explore identity, Session Three introduces the idea of 'stereotypes', encouraging pupils to think critically and reflect on their own beliefs and perceptions about others. During the session, pupils will begin reading the interactive story and meet its main character, Marcus. Marcus will face difficult choices and challenging situations that enable the introduction and exploration of many decisions. In this way, the characters in the story provide a proxy, encouraging young people to explore their own lives more objectively within the safe confines of the classroom.
A. Session aims & objectives
Understand the idea that who we are is a choice, not predetermined
Understand that 'resilience' comes from having a strong sense of who you are and being able to make your own choices
B. Learning outcomes
I know what a 'stereotype' is
I understand what resilience means, why it is essential and how it can help me make positive choices
I can describe feelings to other people and empathise with them
C. Terminology introduced
Example definitions of key terminology are included but, wherever possible, use pupils' own agreed descriptions as per previous sessions.
STEREOTYPE: Widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
RESILIENCE: Broadly, the ability to 'bounce back' from adversity and a mindset that deeply believes: I am not my mistakes, I can try again, things will get better, and I am not alone. Educationalists and mental health professionals (among others) often describe a process in which people can overcome or resist negative influences that block (for instance) emotional wellbeing and/or achievement.
UNIQUE: Being the only one (person) with a particular mix of characteristics. Having qualities that make you different from anyone else.
DNA: The distinct mix of genes that make you biologically unique from anyone else.
D. Resources required
❏ Session checklist
❏ Pupils handheld devices (eg iPads, Chromebooks)
❏ Resource Sheet 3a: My Resilience
❏ Slide pack for Session Three
1. Session title
2. Image of Marcus
3. Stereotype
4. Definition of 'stereotype'
5. Unique and DNA
6. Definition of 'unique and DNA'
7. Ethnicity
8. Definition of ethnicity
9. Values
10. Definition of values
11. Belief
12. Definition of belief
13. Resilience
14. Definition of 'resilience'
E. Assessment opportunities
The plenary activity offers an opportunity for pupils to reflect on the way to become more resilient, completing a sentence to this effect.
Starter activity: Session two recap
Recap and review ground rules as a class.
Discuss any rules created that worked well, together with any that didn't work – do they need to change?
Make amendments if needed. Either way, ensure that pupils understand why we have ground rules and why these are essential.
What do we remember from the last session?
If not covered, review the key learning objectives from the previous time and ensure there is a level of understanding about what identity means.
In today's session, we will be meeting the main character, Marcus, from the interactive story.
Introduce Learning Outcomes for this session.
Activity one: Marcus' identity
After checking and reinforcing pupils’ understanding of identity, pupils will be asked for their views about the character Marcus simply by looking at a picture of him. Once these ideas have been recorded, pupils should be asked to explain why they have made these judgements about Marcus and what they based their judgements upon.
Pupils should choose words to describe characteristics of Marcus' identity
What criteria have you used to decide on his identity? (Physical aspects only?)
Are there aspects of his identity that you don't yet know?
Why don't we know? (Are some elements of our identity' hidden'?)
Have pupils made assumptions about Marcus because of the way he looks?
Introduce the term stereotype.
What does it mean?
Have they come across the term before?
Have they ever been a victim of stereotyping themselves?
Why? Is it because of how they dress, what they carry, places they go?
Do we all stereotype? Where does it come from? (e.g. misunderstandings, misrepresentations, media).
NB: It may be helpful to record this on a flip chart or smartboard to refer back to later.
Discuss the meaning of the term as a class based on this definition to ensure a good level of understanding.
Are there aspects of identity that are hidden?
Are they the most important aspects that make us who we are?
How can we overcome stereotyping? (i.e. getting to know people better, mixing with people from different ethnic or cultural groups, being 'open-minded' about others)
Activity two: Stereotypes
NB: Marcus' story should be available to pupils on their handheld devices (eg iPads, Chromebooks).
We're going to learn all about Marcus. We'll use his story to explore who we are and who makes the choice about who we are. Marcus' story is all about a decision that could decide his entire future. We'll look at all of the factors that lead him to this choice and make him the person he is.
How does our identity determine our choices in life?
Make reference to brothers and sisters or other close relatives.
How do they behave, and would they make the same choices as you? If not, why not?
They have the same DNA, live in the same house, have been brought up in the same way and perhaps share similar characteristics, so why are even our own siblings often different? (Explore uniqueness, personal choice, preferences in the discussion – there are no right/wrong answers but try to bring out that there are influences all around us).
Discuss the terms and ensure pupils have a good grasp of what they mean.
In small groups/tables, pupils should come up with one thing that makes them unique compared to the other pupils in their group. This could be anything, physical or otherwise. Ask each group to briefly feed some of their ideas back to the rest of the class. As they do so, acknowledge that although these might be unique within their groups, many of these characteristics could be shared with others. Emphasise that although many things make us unique, people also have many things in common. These things bind us together (we will cover differences and similarities later in the programme).
Hand out devices for pupils to read the interactive story to the first check point (see below).
For pupils using iPads: the story will stop at the appropriate point (page 3).
For pupils using non-iPad devices: Read Episode 1
Is Marcus born into a particular identity?
Can this change?
What may influence his identity? (Parents, older brother, friends, etc.)
Activity three: Understanding resilience
Pupils will explore the term 'resilience' using the definition provided. You should examine the word itself and the keywords used in the description of resilience, e.g. 'resist' – stopping yourself from being drawn into something by others; 'negative influences' – other people, peers and adults who may seek to draw you into uncomfortable or harmful situations.
Having a clear sense of who you are and being positive about your unique identity is vital to your own wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. It helps build something called resilience against negative influences and behaviours.
Discuss the term and any elements of the definition to ensure understanding.
Working with the person next to them, pupils should imagine they are Karl and -just like in the story- they are meeting their baby brother, Marcus, for the first time. Pupils should describe to their partner the range of feelings they might have towards Marcus.
Review terminology, any new language and key learning introduced today.
What positive advice could you give to someone to help them understand what resilience was and how they could improve theirs?
Take brief feedback from pupils, ensuring that any advice emphasises positive language and actions rather than negative or non-constructive comments.
Hand out Resource Sheet 3a: My resilience
Pupils should complete the sentence, 'One way I can become more resilient is...'
Retain these for Activity Four of the next session.
Delivery resources

Delivery checklist

Resource sheet(s)

Slides (PDF)

Slides (PowerPoint)
For non-iPad Marcus' story users
Access code: p2xrp